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Fran (AKA “Fern”) making froth, Nonna Cathy in the background ready to taste test!

-Mocha Latte-

-Cooking on Huckleberry Hill-

Have fun making this recipe!

Serving Size: 2


3 cups of milk (2% or whole)

4 Tbs. un-sweetened cocoa

6 tsp. granulated sugar (more to taste)

Ground nutmeg for garnish

Sweet whipped Cream


In the microwave or stovetop heat 3 cups milk, bring to a simmer but do not boil. To each mug add 2 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa and 3 tsp. granulated sugar. Whisk.

Add ½ cup of steaming milk to each mug. Sir vigorously with a tablespoon, you can also stir with a fork to assist in bringing froth to the milk. Microwave: In a microwave safe bowl or the stovetop froth the remaining milk by beating with a wire whisk. Stir the whisk in the milk at a rapid pace for one minute. Add this milk to the warm sweetened cocoa milk in each mug. The cocoa will be frothy at the top. For a special treat top the frothy milk with a dollop sweet cream; garnish with nutmeg


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